Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Even Spiderman needs a rest every once in a while....

I caught Isaac in a rare "calm moment" the other day and had to share.

I guess even super heroes get worn out....

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

"Meanest mommy rules"

I recently was reading a hilarious blog that is comprised
of a list of "mean mommy rules" added every day.

Rules varied from

"Rule #246:
I insist that you wear more than
snow boots & a backpack when you leave the house"
"Rule #234:
No matter how irritated you are with your brother,
it is NOT ok to empty your water bottle on his bed
and then pull the covers up over it so Mummy finds it at bedtime."

More than once, while reading these rules,
I found myself thinking,
"I've said that" or "That sounds like my boys".
So I thought it would be funny
 to add a few of my own mean mommy rules here.

Here we go:

Your matchbox cars and bouncy balls do NOT
 belong in the dishwasher or oven. 
The smell of burning toys is next to impossible
 to get out of the house.

No matter how much you may not like a meal,
calling grandma's Thanksgiving dinner "garbage" is never o.k.

If you're in trouble,
shouting out "Help Me" in another language
(Spanish, Ayudame! Ayudame!)
won't get you help any quicker.

Eggs, no matter how tempting,
are not to be used to decorate the back patio.

Any Christmas presents that are "accidentally"
opened before Christmas will be returned.

Making a hole in the bathroom door
with your Spiderman walkie talkie
is NOT o.k. no matter how badly you want
to get in while your brother is in there.

Silly Putty is not meant for your pants pockets. 
 If it does end up there, PLEASE tell me before I wash them.

Pennies do NOT belong down the air vents.

Scissors are never, never, never for anything other than paper.

If you're angry,
do not throw such a big fit on the floor
that you give yourself rug-burn on your forehead.

The couch is not a jungle gym.

I am not a jungle gym.

The backyard is not a place for peeing
or for naked slip-n-sliding.

The cats don't wrestle like you do.

That toy does not belong to you just because you are holding it.

While you live at my house,
you will have to find your "inside" voice.

No, it's never o.k. to pull your brother pants down,
punch him in his "privates",
 or streak across the house
after you've just gotten out of the shower.

The idea of "less is more" always applies to
toothpaste, toilet paper, and dad's cologne.

Sorry, but candy will never be an acceptable substitute for dinner.

Screaming over the top of your brother
while he's trying to tattle on you, does not keep me
from hearing what he's saying.

*The above mentioned are neither fabricated
nor embellished because honestly.....
there's no need.
They are in fact,
the overwhelmingly true rules
 that are necessary in my life with 2 boys.*

Life is always interesting! :)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

How sweet it is

It seems a little strange to move from such a somber post last time to something upbeat tonight.
But working on cupcakes for Rose's funeral
inspired me to write about my own adventures in cake decorating.

By the way, the service for Rose was on Friday
and it was a beautiful testament to an even more beautiful woman. 
Rose was loved by so many.
Not just close friends, but even someone who was willing to drive all the way from Arizona 
to honor the life of a women he had only met once....
for two hours.
Rose truly had an indescribable spirit that will never be forgotten.

So for those of you who don't know,
this last year I've become interested in cake decorating
(because I have so much extra time on my hands....ha, where's the sarcasm mark when you need it?!)

 I'm not really sure what it was that originally got it in my head
that this would be a good idea.
But I've always been pretty crafty and thought it would be fun to try.

Looking back,
I think that most logical route would have been to take a cake decorating class. 
This way I could get a handle on the basics and learn some solid techniques.

That would have just been  way too easy.

I dove right in
and for my first cake,
I attempted a 2 tier cake with fondant.

For those who don't know what fondant is,
it's the smooth frosting that is over a lot of wedding cakes
that makes it look completely smooth.

That's it's purpose....

completely smooth....

uhhh huh....

Here was my first attempt:

Not so smooth.

I'm not going to enlarge that picture anymore
because then you could see even more of the flaws!

it wasn't terrible considering it was my first attempt,
but fondant was definitely harder than it looks.

That, and it doesn't taste great.
It's meant more for looks then taste
and being a novice,
mine wasn't even worth tasting.

So, for my next attempt,
I decided to go with modeling chocolate.
Same general idea as fondant (smooth look)
but more pliable and it's chocolate...
ya can't go wrong there right?

Here was the result:


The kids said it looked like play dough
and my cousin thought it looked like a Dr. Seuss cake.

Either way,
it was interesting
and it did taste better than fondant.

So next, I decide to undertake an even more difficult cake.
Makes sense right?
I'm not having much luck on the easier ones....
go for a more difficult one.

Not only that, but this one was for Robyn's baby shower.
On display
for everyone to see.

I ordered a backup cake from Costco, just in case.

For this cake
I wanted to make a topsy turvy cake,
(a.k.a. a Mad Hatter cake).
This is what they are SUPPOSED to look like:

Cute huh?!

And, this is what mine ended up looking like:

I actually was pretty pleased with this one.

I didn't do a third layer for reasons of time and sanity,
but it did end up pretty cute.
 I even got kudos on it from an attendee
who actually decorates cakes for a living.
She did Robyn's wedding cake.
(keep this in mind...I'll come back to it later)

  Then, I got busy and didn't do much at all for a few months.
But then last month,
I was supposed to bring a dessert for a family dinner,
so I thought I'd give it another try.

I'd been wanting to try some scroll work on a cake
and with valentine's day approaching,
I figured this would be a good time to try.

I knocked this one out in about 3 hours including baking, cooling and decorating:

Not too shabby.

But what did I learn?

Do NOT use canned frosting to do any fancy decorating.
It's way too soft and not nearly stiff enough to hold up properly.
Still, I thought it turned out cute.

the cupcakes for Rose.

I wanted to try something different than traditional cupcakes,
so this is what I came up with:

Cupcake Pops.

These ended up being cute and are soooo tasty!
(How could you go wrong with Oreos and cream cheese?)

However, this was a picture of my practice run.
When it came down to the line,
I ruined the ones for the memorial service.

Luckily, I had helped Robyn out with her cupcakes,
so I got partial credit for those.

They turned out really cute:


why is it that I am rambling on about cakes?

when Amanda asked the same woman to do her wedding cake
that did Robyn's,
The women replied,
"Oh I know that Kristen would be able to do it. 
The cake she made for Robyn's shower was so cute!"


I'll ease your minds right away by saying that
I am NOT doing Amanda's wedding cake on my own.

I am however, helping out the EXPERT cake decorator
(who by the way will be out of town on the actual day of the wedding. 
So guess who gets to transport and construct the cake????)

That, and Anthony also suggested that I do the groom's cake.

So, I need lots of practice,
lots of support,
and lots of patience
between now and July 3rd.

stayed tuned as I keep on practicing.
I'll be posting all the details.

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