I've wanted to write all week,
but I was torn.
Torn because I couldn't find the words.
Torn because I felt un-entitled to feel so bad,
and torn because I wanted it to all come out just right.
For those of you who don't know,
this last week was a sad one in our family
and for everyone who has ever met
Rose was a member of the Southwest church when our family first joined almost 14 years ago.
Rose was one of those people who was always happy.
She had a smile that could not only light up a room, but light up the whole house.
She was kind to everyone she ever met
and I don't think that she had a nasty bone in her body.
We would all get a kick of how innocent and sweet she was
as she would count the curse words
-out loud, mind you-
when we would go see a movie in the theater!
She was my sister Robyn's age and her and Robyn hit it off
and immediately became friends.
And because our family has a motto of
"Any friend of yours is a friend of mine",
Rose because our friend as well.
Her and Robyn stayed close friends even after Rose got married
and moved across the country with her new husband.
Rose was always thoughtful and made sure that she made it home for Robyn's wedding
and was quick to send a gift when Robyn had Lucas.
Robyn had said that Rose always wanted to make it back to Oregon some day,
and Robyn was so excited recenty to find out that "someday" finally had a date....
2 years.
Two weeks ago. as a family, we prayed for Rose in our life group as she and her husband were struggling with infertility.
If ANYONE on this planet was a born nurturer, it was Rose.
Then, last Sunday night, a tragic incident changed everything.
Rose, a 27 year old, healthy, vibrant woman, had a brain aneurysm.
Although she didn't die immediately, she never regained consciousness after Sunday night.
And Tuesday, after Rose had committed her final selfless act here on this earth
and saved lives with the organs she donated,
she passed away with her husband and family by her side.
How can I follow up that statement?
As I sit here typing......
.....I'm at a loss.
It's strange that those of us who had lost touch with Rose,
or who only kept in touch through others,
can feel so much grief in her passing.
My sister has been heartbroken this week, and rightfully so.
As she said,
"The world truly is a darker place without Rose and her smile".
Me though, do I have the right to feel so heartbroken?
I haven't personally spoken with Rose since Robyn's wedding in 2006.
Why do I get to feel such a loss when others were so much closer to her?
That, I suppose, is the power of who Rose was.
She was so magnetic,
that just knowing her made you feel close to her.
And so,
this week,
we grieve.
All of us.
Those who loved her.
Those who were friends with her.
Those who just met her once.
And those who never even knew her have felt heartache.
It's rare in this world to know a truly GOOD person.
Maybe that's part of why losing her is so hard.
There aren't many out there like her.
And so, as we prepare to say our final goodbyes this Friday,
the family asked that friends bring cupcakes to honor Rose at her memorial.
Rose was a sweet-o-holic, and a talented artist.
And it seems that when her two loves were combined.....
well, I'll show you......
So in honor of Rose,
Robyn and I will be taking our own version of some "Rose Cupcakes" to the memorial this Friday.
I tried mine out on my family last weekend and this is what I came up with...
Cupcake Pops
They don't really even hold a candle to Rose's,
but I hope that they do honor her.
Peace to all of Rose's friends and family as you move forward
with her smile in your memory and her love in your heart.