It's been way too long since I have updated here, not because I didn't have anything to write about, but because I have been so busy. There is a lot to catch up on, but for today, I'm focusing on the wedding.
My baby sister, Amanda, got married on Saturday to Anthony Trejo. We are so happy for them and excited to have Anthony as a member of the family (the boys LOVE their new uncle Anthony)!
So this last week was packed full of wedding related activites that kept us all so busy I think we are all in need of a week-long vacation!
First, Thursday night was Amanda's bachelorette party. We rented out a suite in one of the hotels down town and had waaaaaaay too much fun until the wee hours of Friday morning. It was a perfect way to spend time with my sisters and their friends and to kiss goodbye Amanda's single life.
Me and my BEAUTIFUL sisters!
We stayed the night at the hotel and after picking up the boys at my mom's house the next day, I had exactly 3 hours to try and finish the groom's cake I had volunteered to make for the wedding before we had to be at the rehearsal dinner.
I didn't finish it all then, so I was up until 1 am Saturday morning finishing it up.
For those of you who don't know, Amanda and Anthony are not only HUGE soccer fans, but they actually initially met in college while both on the school's soccer teams. So the following cake was fitting....
I am pretty critical of myself and the cakes I've done so far and it could have been a little cleaner, but overall, I was pretty proud of this cake and was a hit at the wedding.
So, that brings us to Saturday and the wedding. At this point, many of us were running on about 8 hours of sleep over the previous two nights and we were exhausted. But, we were more excited and got an early start to the day getting everything set up and ready.
The wedding went off perfectly and Amanda looked beautiful! I was a little preoccupied with all the wedding and bridesmaid duties, so I personally didn't take any pictures. So until the professional ones come back, these ones I snagged from Robyn's sister-in-law off of facebook will have to do.
Doesn't Amanda look gorgeous?
Jordan (Robyn's nephew), Andrew and Dillon (Friend of the family)
The Happy Couple and the Flower Girl
Finally, we spent Sunday relaxing with famiily at my parents house for the 4th of July. We had lots of family members in town for the wedding so it was nice to catch up with everyone and just relax. Amanda and Anthony didn't leave for their honeymoon until today, so they even spent yesterday with us.
The whole crew.....
Ben had to be content with my smaller LEGAL fireworks this year after his run-in with the law last year!
Sparklers.....a 6-year-old's best friend
Andrew, getting a hand from his new uncle Anthony.
Lucas was not nearly as impressed with the fireworks as everyone else was!
It was also a little bittersweet because it was a good bye party of sorts for my cousin Ryan. He has been living here for the past couple of years and we have all really enjoyed having him here, especially my boys. Ryan is leaving tomorrow to work in Laos for 2 years. He will definitely be missed and we wish him nothing but luck and happiness while he's gone! Good luck Ryan!!
So, I guess that's all. It was an amazing week, and even worth the lack of sleep. Now, I have to work on catching up on all the housework and homework I put aside last week.
No rest for the weary I guess.