By the writing bug that is!
I guess one post wasn't good enough for today, because tonight.....
well tonight I have thoughts spilling out of head.
Strangely enough, they're centered around politics least indirectly.
If someone would have told me two years ago that I would have been active in politics,
I would have got a real good chuckle out of it.
Politics never really seemed like my thing. Oh I did my civic duty and voted and I always was interested in candidates or policy (at least the ones that affected me). But I never was really the type to advocate, canvass, or phone bank.
Those guys were just a little to hyped up and over the top for me.
Apparently I never had anything that I felt passionate about before.
After returning to school, I began to gain a real passion for advocacy, especially when it came to children.
Those of you that know me know that I have always been involved with kids on some level. But being in school gave me the
to make a difference in the lives of children.
It honestly was like a light switched on inside of me and I realized exactly what I wanted to do.
I wanted to be somebody who spoke on behalf of those who had no voice.
I've got enough voice for the both of us :)
So, after deciding that I had found my calling in life and putting all my efforts in finishing my degree so I could get a job in advocacy/family resource/parent education,
I got recruited.
The organization Stand for Children sought me out to become a coordinator for our local chapter. I was flattered, but wondered how I would ever have the time with my busy school and mom schedule.
Ultimately though, I decided to go ahead and do it for reasons that were anything but altruistic. I figured that if nothing else, it would be a good experience and something nice to put on my resume.
However, like a lot of things in life, this turned out nothing like I planned,
and it changed my life.
This group offered me tangible examples of how passionate, concerned everyday people like myself really could make a difference.
Change wasn't out of my reach any more and I felt empowered.
Working with this group has given me exposure and opportunities that have shaped who I have become and who I hope to be in the future and have made me
a true advocate.
I talked to my friends and family about the issues.....a lot.
I phone banked
got signatures
and talked to anyone who would listen.
I was one of those annoying, over the top, political voices.
I got to interview political candidates,
inadvertently found the opportunity to sit on a committee with the Oregon Department of Education,
and I got to talk with so many "real" people just like me about the issues we all cared about.
And I have never felt more consequential in my life.
Tonight in Oregon, 2 tax measures (that I personally advocated for) were approved by voters.
A large portion of the money generated by these measures will go directly to schools.
This is a huge victory
for children
for education
for the future
for me personally.
Something that I worked so hard for and cared so much about came to fruition today
and I had something to do with it.
I'm excited for my kids and the kids of my community for their victory in their own education
I'm humbled that I could be their voice.
And I'm content in knowing that I have found my true calling in life,